General Obligation Bonds:
A bond represents money borrowed by a government to finance capital improvement projects. The bonds are called General Obligation (GO) Bonds because payment of the debt (principal plus interest) is a general obligation of the government entity issuing the bond.
Go bonds are sold to bond investors, subject to voter approval of separate bond questions, as a way to generate revenue for capital projects. Go bonds must be sold within a specific time after voter approval. They must be fully spent on capital (bricks and mortar) projects or equipment, not on daily operations or maintenance. Bond money cannot be transferred from one category to another.
Ballot Questions
Complete list of projects to be funded by the bonds
State Constitutional Amendments:
The state constitution is the basic founding document for our state government, originally adopted in 1912. From time to time the state legislature approves the submission of proposed amendments to the state constitution to the voters for approval or disapproval. All voters in the state are eligible to vote on these proposals.
These are the proposed amendments, with pros and cons for each:
Amendment No. 1
Amendment No. 2
Amendment No. 3
Amendment No. 4
Analysis of the amendments prepared by the NM Legislative Council Service
Fiscal analysis of amendment no. 1 by the NM Taxation and Revenue Department
Fiscal analysis of amendment no. 2 by the NM Taxation and Revenue Department