For Members

For members only: Sign up for the special event at the Vortex theater in October. Here is the link.

LWVCNM Book Club invites all members to a special film event. Here is the link.

List of upcoming events. Most LWVCNM meetings continue to be via Zoom or as hybrid. Current members should receive an email invite; if you do not, please email The list of upcoming meetings is HERE.

Maintaining Membership

The League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico’s membership year begins October 1, although you can join at any time. Because of LWVCNM’s 501(c)(3) status, your dues are tax deductible. You can renew or join for the first time here: Join/Renew


The LWVCNM Board meets on the first Thursday of the month. Here is the list of our officers, directors and committee chairs: List


The Bylaws of the League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico, Inc. are established by vote of the membership. Amendments may be introduced at least one month prior to the Annual Meeting, in writing, and require a vote of 2/3 of the voting members present to pass.

View bylaws here (PDF).

LWV – National and New Mexico